Healthy Home Habitats' Programs

Healthy Home Habitats loves to inspire groups with seasonal, entertaining, humorous and informative programs about beautiful and healthy landscapes. These programs also explain the simple choices that people can make at home for not only healthier homes and families but also communities and ecosystems. The programs below are a standard 45’ish minutes allowing for questions at several points throughout.


WORKSHOPS: We look forward to offering again, next season the Monadnock Sustainable Yard series highlighting the many ways to enjoy more joy, fun, and beauty in your home landscape!

Workshops are held online or at the Healthy Home Habitats (HHH) house on the near east side of Keene, NH. This is an urban setting with a variety of demonstration gardens illustrating various landscape designs and management approaches.

We can show and explain, in situ, many of the components of a sustainable yard: rain barrels, compost bins, rain chains, leaf mulch as well as a wide variety of both native and non-native trees, shrubs, perennial plants, groundcover, and flowering bulbs.

The HHH house is always in process, illustrating fascinating, wonderful, frustrating, and amazing, ongoing experiments!

HHH Public Programs (online or in-person)

Native Plant Layering for More Color, Eco-Benefits & Wildlife Habitat

So Many Plants. So Many Choices!

Learn how to enhance the landscape you already have. Identify your yard and garden’s (boring) gaps & explore native plant options for a variety of seasonal colors and wildlife benefits. These choices increase the diversity of your landscape, creating healthier habitats for many species.

Best Winter Rest for your ‘Yarden’ (yard + garden)

Putting Your Garden To Sleep for a Fabulous Next Season

Simple steps this fall create an easier, more productive next year’s garden and landscape. We’ll learn about winter mulching for healthier soil and fewer weeds, providing winter pollinator habitat, what to leave as food sources for songbirds and wildlife as well as steps to take for less watering next year.

Choosing to Be Heroes; 5 Climate Actions from our 25 Million Acres of Yards & Gardens

Stop Waiting for Someone Else to Fix our Environment! Discover five climate actions we can choose at home every day when managing our landscapes that have immediate and multiple air, water and soil quality benefits. You will learn both the why and the how we can, collectively, shift the $154 billion American households spend annually on our yards and gardens from destructive to healthy.

Spring Choices for More Delight in Your ‘Yarden’ (yard +garden)!

Wishing for a different experience in your landscape this season; less weeding, mowing, chemicals & watering? Come discover 5 short & long-term stewardship strategies that reconnect you to nature, and provide a greater sense of peace as well as more diversity and color through a longer season. Less drudgery mowing and chemicals;  more beauty and health in your ‘yardens’ at home.

‘Leaf Gold?’ – Simplify ‘Keeping Your Leaves’

Reaping the benefits of fall’s most bountiful landscape gift doesn’t have to be hard. 

There are indeed hard, time consuming ways to keep your leaves.  But let’s choose the easier options.  Even if you’re not an avid gardener, fall leaves can help you save money, reduce waste, increase the health of your soil, improve the nutritional value of any vegetables you grow, and reduce community flooding. Learn the strategies that will bring more joy to your fall landscape maintenance.












Hands-On Workshops/Programs held at the HHH Demonstration Gardens in Keene, NH

First Feast!

Feeding Pollinators with Spring-Flowering Bulbs and Native Wildflowers!

Come learn about the types of spring-flowering bulbs and native wildflowers that provide nectar and pollen for our earliest, hungry pollinators.  Experiment with the various tools that are used to plant bulbs. Explore strategies of spring flower designs and growing tips. There are many colorful ways to support our pollinators right at your home this coming spring!

Catching the Rain – Options for your Yard

Healthy Home Habitats Demonstration Gardens, Keene, NH

Are you frustrated by using purified drinking water to maintain your lawn, landscape, and gardens? Come see a variety of rain harvesting options to prevent this resource from escaping your property! Discover the important safety and ease considerations. Bring your roof dimensions to try a worksheet that will tell you how much you could store to use for your landscape throughout the season! Learn important tips for maintaining these tools for years to come.

Growing Fun & Vining Vegetables the Easy Way!

Healthy Home Habitats Demonstration Gardens, Keene, NH

Too busy to garden but wish you had the pleasure of growing a bit of fresh produce at home? Come discover how to grow easy vegetables in containers with/without children in fun ways that stack the odds of success in your favor!  We’ll discuss part-time gardeners’ best choices.  We’ll look at the merits of creative alternatives to large, flat gardens on the ground. We’ll also identify the multiple benefits of growing food plants that offer delight, health & color right at home!

Super-Charging Your Yard & Garden’s Soil

Healthy Home Habitats Demonstration Gardens, Keene, NH

“It’s a great idea to turn your daily food scraps into compost, right? Then why is it so bothersome? Did you know that food scraps, when combined with other so-called yard wastes, are superior plant fertilizers over standard, commercial options? Petrochemical-based fertilizers have no organic matter, important micronutrients, or the critical bacteria & fungi needed to create & support healthy soil -which creates healthy and delicious plants! Come see a variety of tools & methods in action, that make it easier to turn your food scraps into power-packed nutrients for your garden & landscape -as well as the secret ingredients! You’ll be able to touch & try various methods of inside & outside composting options to discover which works best for your lifestyle, family & property. Feel resourceful and satisfied and happy at making your yard landscape chemical-free, healthier and sustainable. You’ll also be helping your community reduce its landfill waste as a bonus!”


5 Steps to Your Own Pollinator Patch!

Healthy Home Habitats Demonstration Gardens, Keene, NH

Be a hero to our over 4,000 highly threatened native bees!
Create delight & satisfaction with your own special, safe, pollinator space for butterflies, bees, and songbirds; your place to be delighted & able to watch lovely, winged neighbors feed, rest & nest right at home.