Would you like to transform a part of your home landscape into an amazing habitat that feeds your spirit?
I work with your desires to design an ecologically-enhanced ‘yarden’ (yard + garden) of native plants with four-season interest and color.
We design a home landscape that brings you
more joy & delight.
Is your landscape overgrown and sad?
Let’s design ways to feel more ease & fascination in your home landscape.
Would you like to eat fruit from your yard with your children?
Let’s create more delight, comfort, bird/butterfly habitat, bliss & satisfaction!
Are you tired of noisy, yard work in a dull, lawn landscape?
We design projects with less lawn, more native plants, an entire season of color, fruits, texture, and more diverse nature at your home, increasing health and ecological benefits in your daily life.

Healthy Home Habitats provides ideas, designs, and coaching for a home landscape that feels and looks wonderful through all of our seasons. We create habitats for pollinators and birds shifting your “yard work” to “stewardship” of an ecologically-enhanced ‘yarden’. My goal is to shift your landscape over time to a that brings you daily comfort and delight.